Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Music In History & Cultures : Music Interpretations
Teacher Name: Megan Smith

Student Name: ________________________________________


4 - Above Standard 3 - Meets Standard 2 - Approaching Standard 1 - Below Standard
Identifies music as being associated with a time or culture After instruction, student can identify the time/culture associated with 5 or more pieces of music without assistance. After instruction, student can identify the time/culture associated with 3-4 pieces of music with little or no assistance. After instruction, student can identify the time/culture associated with 1-2 pieces of music with little or no assistance. Cannot identify music by time/culture without significant assistance.
Analyzes how music fits time/culture Accurately describes several dominant elements of music associated with a particular time period or culture and can relate them to other elements in that time or culture.. Accurately describes a couple of dominant elements of music associated with a particular time period or culture and can relate them to other elements in that time or culture. Accurately describes 1-2 dominant elements of music associated with a particular time period or culture. Has difficulty describing any dominant elements of music associated with a particular time period or culture.
Recognizes different musical styles When asked for an example of a piece in the style of a time or culture, the student chooses accurately on at least 4 of 5 attempts. When asked for an example of a piece in the style of a time or culture, the student chooses accurately on 3 of 5 attempts. When asked for an example of a piece in the style of a time or culture, the student chooses accurately on 2 of 5 attempts. The student chooses accurately 1 time or less out of 5 attempts.
Facts - Time Period/Culture When asked to speak or write about the time period or culture, the student presents several accurate facts, with no inaccurate or questionable facts. When asked to speak or write about the time period or culture, the student presents 1-2 accurate facts, with no inaccurate or questionable facts. When asked to speak or write about the time period or culture, the student presents 1-2 accurate facts, but also includes 1 or more inaccurate or questionable fact. Student cannot talk or write accurately about the time period or culture.
Facts - Composers When asked to name famous composers associated with a particular time, the student can name 2 composers and at least 1 work by each. When asked to name famous composers associated with a particular time, the student can name 2 composers. When asked to name famous composers associated with a particular time, the student can name 1 composer. The student is unable to name composers associated with a particular time period.



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