Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Technology and the Classroom



Technology is a phenomenal element for the current and future of our education systems. Technology has changed the world, and students learning are now using these different technologies at an early age from their schools and homes. People around the world are being exposed to more information that is available through a quicker medium than years priors. The next few decades to come, as current children and adolescents develop into young adults, it will be interesting to see how communities, societies, and global situations will change along with them. Technologies in schools are revolutionizing teaching methods, and given children more access to more possibilities.

One example of how technology expanding and advancing academia is by developing learners research capabilities. It is so crazy for me to think that when I was in high school doing a research paper, I had two libraries near my home, and one in my schools. Through libraries and the card catalogs we would research topics, borrow books, copy pages, and discover new things. Currently this research has been broadened to such a depth that it created endless possibilities for all students, the world wide web has given us an infinite variety of sources at the touch of some keys. From our own computers, we are able to access more sources than we would have time to research. Materials from around the globe can now be shared. We can search through international libraries. Also, this advancement and convenience allows students to apply individuality in their researching, to choose topics that lure them personally, rather than by a limited amount of sources available through a library. This can give students a sense of self, a sense of accomplishment, because they are hands on searching and finding information at a faster and more consistent rate than ever before. This is changing the education system by expanding research elements, and allowing students to use personal choices when deciding on sources to use. This also expand the techniques and devices for each individual student to develop through the course of studies, by giving options to each person, and has quickened these processes allowing the ability to access so much information so quickly through the swiping of a computer mouse. Before research was more time consuming and tedious, it has become convenient and suitable for many different types of learners in all areas of the world.

Another example of technology uses for broadening education is by expanding course offerings. Just like mentioned before, the world wide web allows an infinite amount of information to be accessed within a short period of time. Also, many students, could be in different states, but with the internet, they can access the same classrooms, with same materials, and connect with students across the country through internet and classrooms, and in addition there are increased internet social interaction potentials. Also, individual courses or accelerated curiosities can be met and satisfied through the internet, no matter what location a student may be in. This gives a rise in opportunities for rural students, or students of a certain geography, to have the same access to the same courses at the times that suites them. The internet is also available 24 hours a days and 7 days a week, so no matter what the country, no matter the time zone, all the information is available to everyone, and students and learners can all have access to broad ranges of materials, that without the internet it would be impossible.

The next example of technological advancements in education is providing services to underperforming schools. In our textbook, it makes the example, “John Bailey, director of education technology for the U.S. Department of Education comments that ‘the Internet offers….the ability to tap into literally the best instructors and the best tutors from all around the country and all around the world’(quoted in Murray, 2002).” (Armstrong, page 294). This equalizes opportunities across the country for students and across the world for citizens. Children of poor school districts can still have access to the same information as children in richer areas through the internet, they can have the same access to the same excellence, without the burdens of costs and traveling. Students in farm towns and small communities can still learn as much information, whereas in the past, they were limited to local libraries and archives. If knowledge is truly power, then with the internet no one is exempt. There is no favoritism with the internet, no more prospects for wealthy students than there are for poor students. The access to the world wide web has helped to eliminate these problems in desolate and impoverished areas, and all students are given access to equal learning opportunities.

The next example of technology uses in education is simulating real-life experiences. The first example that came to my mind to use in modern comparisons is through drivers education. Before the teacher would take us driving on the road, there was simulator of a real driving position with real traffic situations. With this, it was easier to learn how certain way mistakes in driving could prove fatal, without exposing students to the actual dangers. You could learn from your mistakes, without causing real accidents or real injuries. But you could still feel what it was like in reality to drive and experience the feelings and the motions and the movements. Currently the are expanding simulations to all types of courses in education. The textbook states, “New digital technologies have greatly expanded the range of simulations available for use by public-school learners. This range in complexity from relatively simple game-like experiences that are presented to learners on computer disks to hugely ambitious, multiple-day experiences that may require use of Web sites, CD-ROMs, DVDs, television, e-mail, and other technologies. Simulations supported by digital technology are now available for virtually all subject areas,”(Armstrong, page 294). And it is so, students can engage in activities practicing trail and errors without dire consequences and without exposing themselves to dangerous situations. It also allows us in ways to time travel virtually, to experience events and circumstances of the past time period of civilizations, and test future possibilities right from the safety of a desk. In addition to this, we are able to communicate and participate with other students or citizens from around the world without having to travel. We can quickly engage in conversations, share theories, practice simulations, all from different parts of the world, but simultaneously through the same mediums. We can travel and endeavor a variety of journeys, and also have the chance to learn from mistakes, and grow and change without devastating consequences. This is really quite phenomenal.

Finally, the new technologies can be when helping learners with special problems. Students and citizens with disabilities are advancing more and more each year with new technologies, so much that disability may become a word of the past. Through the internet, assistance and guidance is available for different types of learners, and with this assistance different learners can have the advantage and convenience of finding alternative studying methods which connects with them and helps them learn better. For example, I always had trouble focusing on lectures, some say it was ADD. But for me it was overwhelming to try to listen to a lecture and to take accurate notes at the same time. Currently, at a lecture, we can literally record from our cell phones a few hours of a lecture, and take it to the comfort of our homes and listen again, or as many times as needed to gain full understanding of all the contents crunched into one hour. Also, there is different computer software available to help different types of learners, there are videos, tutorials, walk-through audio visuals, audio recordings of texts, and it is all available through the internet free of charge to all people. People can still takes classes along with other students, but be given access to help by a variety of options available, and this really is a huge and crucial break through. People with special problems can access methods and assistances to help them break through their differences and still achieve the same as other learners, just with their own desired methods, at their own desired paces.

As technology continues to evolve as science continues to unfold before our eyes, we are entering a new way of education, that has also created more of a balance and equality for all people of all types of personalities. Technology is changing and expanding faster than ever before, and is generating advancements in our education system that twenty years ago seemed like the actives science fiction novel. People from around the world are coming together, sharing viewpoints, helping each other to learn and grow. This phenomena of the internet, the world wide web, is just beginning, and will impact all future educators in ways we never thought possible in the past.

Armstrong, D. H. (2009). Teaching today: An Introduction to Education (8th ed.). Upper Saddle River , NJ: Pearson. (Armstrong, D., Henson, K., & Savage, T., 2009).





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